- I pray for our community. That we stop seeing people as “groups” and see them as individuals, no matter their background, “raising”, or lifestyle. We are approaching the 20th anniversary of 9/11. We came together as a nation in those dark hours. We need to do it again, without having to go through the horror we endured. We should pray for each other; just because. We get to know our neighbors again. We help the elderly. We enjoy listening to children play. That’s what weighs on my heart.

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Thank you for sharing, Kristy! I am in prayer with you.

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Sep 6, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

Our oldest daughter has left the faith. Says she doesn’t believe anymore. It saddens us so much. She is at her 1st year of college and we are praying God will use people, circumstances, and even more so the Holy Spirit to draw her back. It’s the hardest thing we’ve ever experienced.

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Thank you for sharing this, Stacey. Having worked with students for a number of years, what your daughter is going through is common—I went through it myself when I went to UGA in '94. I will pray with you that she finds her way to the Truth.

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Thanks Jadon. Please know that I am lifting you and your family up in prayer every time God brings you to mind. It’s the hardest part of following Christ, being part of His suffering. But He will always be faithful and good. Remembering this for you and all going through such crazy stuff right now.

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Sep 7, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

Thanks for your transparency. I’m struggling through job transition. I bought a home in May and got laid off in June. I feel very alone, though I know I’m not. I’m doing my best to stay positive, not be anxious and know that God is in control. I’m so grateful for my faith community. I’m humbly asking God to open a door soon, though He is faithful to His promise to provide for me.

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Sep 7, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

Jason, My husband and I lost both of our dads within 1 month of each other this past December and January 2021, both from cancer. It has been a traumatic time this past year as we learn to go on without them relishing the memories yet grieving the loss, all in the Covid fog. I now take care of my 87 year old mother who is now a widow after 70 years with my dad. We all have our battles and trials, some more significant than others, yet our anchor still holds to our faith and the hope that we have in our Savior. Thank you for sharing and for your prayers and we are earnestly praying for you and your family.

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Thanks for sharing and your challenge Jason. 840 days. It's something I've been thinking a lot about writing about myself. It's been 840 days since we started the adoption process of our son in China. There is no end in sight, we are in limbo waiting for the pandemic to end. He is 12, in an orphanage, alone, having never attended school. He was 10 when we started this process. So much happens in a child from 10 to 12, and we have missed it all. The photos we get of him now look like he's a teenager, no longer a child.

He knows we want him, and we thank God for that. He knows we will come as soon as we can. But, the waiting is awful. Every meal, holiday, family vacation, birthday, etc. someone from the family is missing. There is an empty chair waiting to be filled, and there is nothing we can do to fill it.

All the platitudes about waiting being worth it and making the result better fall very short of the reality of a child with no family now, that needs love and care and education now. It's a limbo of the worst kind, with little merit in the waiting, just difficulty.

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Sep 7, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

Jason, first of all I have to say how grateful I am for you and your sharing authentically of your journey. I've been praying for you every day and I will not stop.

My heart is so heavy right now. It's been a really hard 19 months for me. I think you know that I completely lost my hearing 5 years ago. I went from being a "normalish" functioning human being to one who has transitioned to figuring out how to navigate a silent world. The pandemic has made things more raw and more real for me. Most people, businesses and services are not truly equipped for dealing with people with disabilities. I've been without a phone for 19 months. As a business owner, it's really hurt me to be without this mode of communication. But as a human being, I have been without things like feeling safe, having my independence, and being able to do simple things like call and make a doctors appointment. I had to plan my mom's funeral over Zoom last year. (Which I am very grateful for Zoom).

I know we've all been isolated with the pandemic. Not being able to communicate with the outside world has caused me anxiety and loneliness that I can't explain. Add on top of that the last year and half with people wearing masks...being a lip reader this has made things really challenging. And has ramped up my anxiety.

Now with the events happening in Afghanistan and the 20th anniversary of 9/11, I'm really struggling with PTSD, along with so many other veterans.

All I know how to do is pray when things are hard.

I appreciate you opening up another avenue to pray for others and to ask for prayer.

I just want people to see others as humans. I just want people to show the love of Jesus. I want the world to turn to Jesus.

Ok I think I've rambled enough.

Love you friend. You are in my every day prayers.

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Sep 7, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

My heart is broken and I'm not sure I will ever feel that joy again. My husband committed suicide on July 9th and then I had a stroke two days later. The Lord has worked miracles with healing from the stroke. I am almost 100% healed from the stroke. My heart is another story. I loved my husband so much. We were married for almost 14 years. Our 14th wedding anniversary would be 9/22. I miss him so much and everywhere I look in this house, I see Jay. I have good days and bad days. Today is a bad day, so emotional. I knew he was struggling and I had been praying that the Lord would soften his heart and I prayed for His will to be done in Jay's life. I just had no idea what was coming. No note, nothing except for a text "Remember I Love You." I'm struggling with guilt, maybe I should have seen this coming and I could have stopped it. I'm struggling with at times unbearable grief and loneliness. I do have a strong faith and I know God has a plan for my life but it just hurts so much right now. Praying for peace.

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Sep 7, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

Long time reader, first time caller-

Please don't stop writing about your challenges, for my own selfish benefit these newsletters help my perspective as a leader.

I also will share that I struggle as I've got two kids 6 and 18 months, who I am learning how to parent alongside my entrepreneur husband who is a contractor for FedEx Ground and things there are ...I don't want to complain but his business is a big portion of my daily petitions to the Father.

Lastly got a new "adult" job eight months ago and I have identified through regular therapy sessions and time with Jesus, I have a propensity to doubt my own self worth, always looking to gain acceptance or adoration from a boss, or friend, or facebook follower. In this role I have found myself struggling to hold my Psalm 18 mantra in my head throughout the days.

Waiting when you don't want to is the worst. I also know the feeling about what you deserve, I read what you said a while back that you can have whatever you want, if you are willing to help others get what it is they want. I don't know if it's a spiritual law, but it's true.

I will say to you, Jason, (if I can be informal with you) I am so very sorry you have cancer, and I am so very sorry that you have to endure suffering. I think about you when I listen to the podcasts and read this blog. I use all the information you share to make my moments with my boys more memorable, and to make sure I tell my husband I am grateful for him and his work.

I don't have cancer, but I do know what it would feel like if I did, because you have been telling me, and I honestly would not be as encouraged and survival minded as you.

Maybe this wait will be different now that you have a million commentators pleading for you to not retreat from blogging. Or maybe it will continue wearing you down, either way I hope even on your worse days you will continue to share with me.

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Sep 8, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

I want to start out by saying that I’ve read each prayer request so far, and I will definitely be in prayer for you all. I love that Jason has opened this opportunity up for us to come together and share some of our burdens and ask for prayer or advice.

My daughter, she’s 15..almost 16, is really struggling. In fact she’s been struggling for quite some time now. I know no one on this blog personally knows her, but Jason does. She’s an amazing, kind-hearted, smart, caring, loving, beautiful young lady. Not to mention she’s mature beyond her years. She was diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder and OCD almost a year ago. She’s been in therapy with several counselors who were not a good fit until we finally found one two weeks ago that she feels she “might” be able to open up to. Virtual visits due to Covid has made it a real challenge. We’ve had trial and error with medications that have been nothing short of a nightmare. In teenagers antidepressants often have the opposite effect and unfortunately we have seen that first hand. It’s so scary. I can’t even begin to explain the empty, helpless feeling I have every night when I ask her before bed if she’s “really” okay? Thinking she may harm herself due to a side effect of medication is absolutely gut-wrenching. Feeling like I need to sleep beside her because I just don’t have that feeling that everything is okay. So I do.

She struggles with finding the right friends, self-worth, and just wanting a normal teenage life. I will say she does have an amazing sense of humor. I like to think it runs in our family. Then, I can’t help but think of the late Robin Williams. How he used his hilarious humor to cover and hide the pain. I see it so much with her. I think she’s having a great day because we are out laughing so much, having a great time, and then she hits me with, “mom, I had terrible anxiety and thoughts today.”. It’s heartbreaking. How did she hide it so well?

I pray like I’ve never prayed before, I’ve bought books, journals, we talk until the wee hours of the morning. I just want God to give my girl the normal life she deserves. I made some mistakes in my past and sometimes I wonder if it’s some cruel punishment for my terrible decisions? Looking back she’s always somewhat struggled. She will even tell you that. I’m being an open book here and telling you guys what’s on my heart. I hope it’s not too much. I guess I’m also asking if others here will join me in prayer for my daughter. Pray for healing as the Lord sees fit, for friends that are compassionate and loving like her, for her self-worth to be restored, medication and counseling to work, and peace for our family as we navigate through this time. I’m also open to any advice you think will be helpful. Thank you in advance.

Jason, we’re praying as always for you, Rachel, Ella, and Jon. Love to you all!

Natalie Fagan

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Sep 8, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

My son is deaf. He’s always been deaf. As he grows through his teens, he experiences struggles as a result of this. It’s not just not hearing. It’s missing the social cues, missing the jokes, and especially the loneliness. I find myself saying at least we aren’t in Afghanistan. But isn’t there some place between watching someone you love walk a difficult path and not really being able to do anything…and Afghanistan? Why are those my only two choices? I honor and respect God, of course. Michael is more His than mine and I can only think about things in human terms. I just can’t help but notice some folks never get chosen for these things and some get chosen a lot. Dan and I are praying for you and your family, Jason.

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Sep 8, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

I constantly feel like I'm in a vicious cycle that doesn't end. I have been struggling with bankruptcy for 6 years, (2013-2018) now I'm trying not to go that direction again. I've been at my job for 1 1/2 years, I work at a senior living place. I LOVE the residents, but the pay is terrible. I am torn about leaving the residents and going someone to make more money. Other staff are leaving left and right because we are not being taken care of properly. My 2001 Prius hybrid car is probably on its last leg. You have to have a certified hybrid mechanic to work on these kind of cars. Thankfully, I found one last week, he didn't charge much, but now the check engine light is on again. So if its not the house, its the job, if not the job, the car, then the house AGAIN!

I love you Jason and your family, you are always in my thoughts.

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Sep 8, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

To be able to heal my liver from non alcoholic cirrhosis by changing my diet drastically. I lack self discipline and sometimes it gets difficult. Then again, I think of Vickie Hornbuckle, who passed from the same disease. Please pray for strength and self dicipline so I can kick cirrhosis out! I so admire you Jason. I pray for you often and your family. 🙏🙏🙏❤

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Sep 18, 2021Liked by Jason Brooks

Thanks for encouraging the avenue for many to share. We all are anxious to hear how you are doing and please dont stop providing your updates. If there are no changes, then pick a topic and write about it…doesn’t even have to be about cancer. You are giving a lot of people room to think and grow and I can only imagine how much you have grown in the last 18 months and could be more than you might have in the last 18 years. Insert punchline of “we haven’t talked but once in the last 18 years….how would you know?”

As for my struggle…I’ve recently taken on the role of “single dad”. You never go into marriage and kids planning for this, but here we are. Trying desperately to do everything to make sure that I’m doing right for my kids. My daughter still tells me she loves me, but the hugs aren’t nearly as tight as they are for her mom. She always wants to call her mom, but when she’s with mom…is she asking to call me in the same way? I’d like to think yes, but something tells me it isn’t the same. My son has made comments around “why do we have to have two houses”. Am I starting to lose my kids when they are just about to turn 8? It is taking their toll (on them and me) and I don’t know what else to do but support and tell them that I love them.

Keep up the sharing and your authenticity.

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